12 Days of SSAP: JLKR’s SSAP Oracle

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As the holidays approach, JLK Rosenberger is taking a new perspective on a holiday classic – the Twelve Days of Christmas. Rather than filling your head with turtle doves and gold rings, we are focusing on our SSAP Chat posts from 2019. This article features our own insurance oracle, Michael Goni.

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We’re spilling the beans on Michael Goni, our own statutory accounting oracle. He’s a partner in our Dallas office, and one of our favorite Texans.

A few facts we love about Michael:

  • He likes his coffee “Dark Roast + ½ & ½ + Splenda…no foo-foo flavoring.”
  • A little known fact about Michael is that he gets up and runs at 3:30 A.M. in the morning.
  • When Michael was starting his career, one of his earliest bosses gave him the nickname Mudder. Michael says, “For some unknown reason, I would take on the dirtiest and most undesirable tasks that most would avoid – it stuck for many years and shaped my future management style.”