Insurance Insights

Three Years Strong: Connie Jasper Woodroof Returns with 2024 Annual Statement, RBC, and NAIC Updates

For the third year running, Connie Jasper Woodroof brings her vast expertise to S.S.A.P. Chat Live 2024. Fresh from the NAIC Fall National Meeting, Connie will deliver the latest updates through two insightful sessions: the Annual Statement & Risk-Based Capital Update and the NAIC Update.

In the Annual Statement & Risk-Based Capital Update, Connie will break down the 2024 annual statement changes across all statement types, highlighting relevant accounting revisions. She will also review the 2024 Risk-Based Capital (RBC) changes and provide a glimpse into the future direction of RBC requirements.

The NAIC Update will offer an in-depth look at the key activities of the Valuation of Securities Task Force, covering accounting changes for 2024 that did not require format updates. The session will conclude with practical guidance on implementing the new 2025 bond reporting requirements, focusing on what companies need to prepare for first-quarter 2025 reporting.

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Learn more about Connie Jasper Woodroof, FLMI, Owner, CJW Associates

Image of Connie Jasper Woodroof, NAIC presenter. She is wearing a blue shirt and glasses, with a beige textured background.Connie Jasper Woodroof began her career in the insurance industry in 1984, completing statutory filings for both Life and Property/Casualty companies. Ms. Woodroof spent nine years with the NAIC, where she served in various capacities; reviewing statutory filings for quality, testing RBC formulas and software during formula development, and assisting with developing and teaching an industry educational series.

Connie completed 18 years as the NAIC Liaison for Fiserv/StoneRiver/Sapiens, where she helped both Sapiens and its clients keep abreast of events at the NAIC, responded to statutory reporting and accounting information requests, and provided educational opportunities. She developed statutory accounting and reporting courses for industry, including regulators.

Over the years, Connie has regularly presented at numerous IASA Chapter meetings, IASA national conferences, the annual insurance conference of the Iowa Society of CPAs and provides annual statutory training for several organizations. In addition, she provides specifically designed, private training sessions upon request.

Ms. Jasper Woodroof has been active with the IASA not only on a chapter level but also on a national level, serving for many years on various IASA educational committees, the Board of Directors, and as the editor and an author of the IASA’s Life/Fraternal and Property/Casualty accounting manuals. In 2023, Connie received IASA’s Speaker/Educator Award.

Currently, Ms. Jasper Woodroof is serving as a statutory insurance industry consultant for FORVIS, as well as offering consulting services to the insurance industry. Connie remains active on several industry-interested party groups working with NAIC issues.
Woodroof holds an FLMI, a B.S. in Accounting, and a M.A. in General Psychology.

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