Why JLK Rosenberger?
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The culture at our firm can be summed up in a single word…team! We embrace the team concept from the time our new recruits slip on their fresh new jersey until the day their number is retired. What makes JLK Rosenberger different is the coaching staff. Our leaders are dedicated to providing growth opportunities for those interested in learning the business and “putting up impressive numbers.”
Whether you’re a partner or an associate, the number of years you’ve served the firm doesn’t dictate your personal time off or your benefits. We’re all privileged with the same benefits.
Career training is not static at JLK Rosenberger. Neither is it always uniform, but rather it is dynamic and evolves with our professionals, their goals, and the industries they serve. We provide formalized technical, career growth, and soft skills training. And on the job training is a part of the daily routine. We like to think that training is part of a common purpose of constantly striving for improvement.
Our firm’s women initiative program was started by one of our own CPAs. We want women to be Loud Extraordinary Awesome and Daring leaders. WomenLead helps our firm cultivate, advance and retain women leaders. We believe there is a need to empower, encourage, and support the women in our firm in order to retain them. The program not only allows the women within our firm to collaborate in various projects, but it also allows them to network with other women outside of our firm and participates in charitable events to help homeless or abused women enter the workforce.
JLK Rosenberger is a contributing member to our local communities. We understand the important role nonprofit organizations play in today’s world, and we are committed to helping them succeed. In addition to serving nonprofit clients from an audit, tax and advisory side, we have a unique understanding of the operations of nonprofit entities gained through participation as board members and volunteers with organizations in and around our community.
As a result of exceptional work, relationship building with great clients, and perhaps most importantly, very talented and skilled professionals, JLK Rosenberger is recognized as an outstanding accounting firm. In order to continue successfully into the future, we need to recruit the next generation of talent and train them, so they realize their professional potential. We invest in training and development of the skills and talent our professionals need as a critical component of our firm’s strategic plan.

Join the Team
If you’re looking for an inclusive culture to grow and enhance your experience, let’s talk.

“The deciding factor in choosing to work for JLK Rosenberger was the ping pong table. It was not just the ping pong table that attracted me here, but also the drawings on the wall in the small kitchen, the decorations on the office wall, and the superhero figures on everyone’s desk for the busy season theme. All of the above factors led me to know that the people who work here are artistically creative, energetically active, and passionately optimistic.”