12 Days of SSAP – SSAP No. 69 – Cash Flow

As the holidays approach, JLK Rosenberger is taking a new perspective on a holiday classic – the Twelve Days of Christmas. Rather than filling your head with turtle doves and gold rings, we are going to instead focus on the latest changes to SSAP and how they will impact your insurance company in 2018 and beyond.

On the fifth day of SSAP JLK Rosenberger told to me – Cash Flows.

SSAP No. 69 – Statement of Cash Flows was revised to adopt ASU 2016-18 to reduce the difference between statutory and US GAAP on cash flow classifications. In the revision, restricted cash and cash equivalents are no longer reported as cash flows from operating, investing or financing buckets. Instead, they are included in the beginning and ending balances of the cash flow statements.

The revision also specified that when needed, entities should make retrospective adjustments to compare the balances in the face of financials.

Join us tomorrow for day 6 in the 12 days of SSAP.